Finances and Qualification
When you're getting ready to buy, making sure your finances are in good shape is the most important step.

Latest Mortgage Rate Outlook in Canada
Welcome to the latest edition of the monthly mortgage rate outlook courtesy of Perch. We aim to equip you with valuable insights and help you stay informed about the financial...

How to Choose Your Mortgage: A Step-by-Step Guide for First Time Buyers
For most Canadians buying your first property is the biggest financial decision of your life. That’s why it’s worth it to spend the time researching how to save money and...

What Does Getting a Mortgage Pre-Approval Actually Do?
So you’ve decided to purchase a home and it’s time to start thinking about the finances. Chances are you’ve probably heard of getting a mortgage “pre-approval” before, but what does...

What Should You Look for in a Mortgage?
What should you look for in a mortgage?Whether you’re looking for a new home, or you’re an existing homeowner, shopping for a mortgage isn’t something most people look forward to...

The 10 Common Mistakes of First Time Home Buyers
As a licensed mortgage broker and seasoned veteran of over 8 years in the industry, Perch's Robert Malcolm has seen his fair share of mistakes by eager home owners that...

How to Get a Mortgage as a Newcomer to Canada
It’s hard enough for the average Canadian to get approved for a mortgage, but it’s even more challenging for newcomers to Canada. In 2021, more than 405,000 people became permanent residents,...