In this Neighbourhood Guide, you'll find out more about the people who live here as well as the schools, parks and recreation facilities, homes, and more.
A vibrant and diverse neighbourhood with a mix of cultures and a dynamic population.
Mostly condos and apartments, with areas of large luxury homes.
A community of highly educated individuals, popular with recent immigrants.
Great schools with many special program options. Easy access to transit and recreation amenities.
This neighbourhood has a dynamic population, and is popular with highly educated people, recent immigrants, people in their 20s, people in their 30s, people in their 40s, and people in their 50s. Willowdale East is located in the larger area of Willowdale which began as a postal village, and now consists of single-family homes, condominium townhouses and high-rise condominium towers. High density development is restricted along Yonge Street. The single-family homes range in age from the original 1910 to 1950s construction to very large replacement two-storey luxury homes built in the 1990s.
People & Families in Willowdale East
Families with kids make up 36% of households in Willowdale East, while couples without children make up 22% of households and 33% of households are one person living alone. People in this neighbourhood come from 165 different ethnic origins, and 73% are first-generation immigrants, while 19% are second-generation immigrants.
Neighbourhood Households
Neighbourhood Population
Household Size
- 1 person - 33%
- 2 persons - 32%
- 3 persons - 18%
- 4 persons - 11%
- 5 or more persons - 4%
Household Types
- One-person households - 33%
- Non-family households - 7%
- Families with children - 36%
- Couples without children - 21%
- Multiple families in household - 1%
Children Per Family
- 1 child - 34%
- 2 children - 21%
- 3 or more children - 5%
Broad Age Ranges
- 0 to 14 years - 11%
- 15 to 64 years - 75%
- 65 years and over - 12%
Most Common Ethnic Origins
- Chinese - 34%
- Iranian - 13%
- Korean - 10%
- English - 5%
- East Indian - 5%
Age of Primary Household Maintainer
- 15 to 24 years - 6%
- 25 to 34 years - 24%
- 35 to 44 years - 19%
- 45 to 54 years - 18%
- 55 to 64 years - 13%
- 65 to 74 years - 9%
- 75 to 84 years - 5%
- 85 years and over - 2%
Specific Age Groups
- 0 to 4 years - 4%
- 5 to 9 years - 3%
- 10 to 14 years - 3%
- 15 to 19 years - 5%
- 20 to 29 years - 19%
- 30 to 39 years - 18%
- 40 to 49 years - 13%
- 50 to 59 years - 11%
- 60 to 69 years - 8%
- over 70 years - 6%
Willowdale East Schools
This neighbourhood has great elementary schools, great secondary schools, elementary special programs, and secondary special programs. There are 12 public schools, 6 Catholic schools, 6 private schools, and 1 alternative/special school serving Willowdale East. The special programs offered at local schools include Fine Arts, French Immersion, International Baccalaureate, Gifted/Talented Program, Montessori, and Advanced Placement.
Public Schools
Catholic Schools
Private Schools
Having Fun in Willowdale East
Fun is easy to find at the many parks & rec facilities here. Parks in this neighbourhood feature playgrounds for kids, sports parks, and skating. There are 13 parks in Willowdale East, with 31 recreational facilities in total. The average number of facilities per park is 2.
Number of Parks
Number of Recreation Facilities
Recreation Facilities in Neighbourhood Parks
- Playgrounds - 10
- Pool - 1
- Rink - 1
- Tennis Courts - 6
- Sports Field - 1
- Track - 1
- Community Centre - 1
- Splash Pads - 3
- Sports Court - 1
- Trails - 3
- Arts/Performance Facility - 1
- Fitness/Weight Room - 1
- Gym - 1

Getting Around in Willowdale East
There are 153 transit stops in this neighbourhood. Rail stations include Bessarion Station. In this neighbourhood, there are a mix of vehicle and transit commuters and most commute within the city.
Commute Destination for Residents
- Commute within the city - 77%
- Commute to another city - 22%
Commute Types
- Vehicle - 48%
- Transit - 43%
- Walk/bike - 7%
Commute Times of Residents
- 15 to 29 minutes - 24%
- 30 to 44 minutes - 33%
- 45 to 59 minutes - 19%
- 60 minutes and over - 13%
- Less than 15 minutes - 9%
Work and Education in Willowdale East
This neighbourhood is popular with highly educated people, with 68% of adult residents holding a bachelor's degree or higher and 86% having any postsecondary education. The professional, scientific and technical services industry is the most common for residents.
Household Income
- Under $30,000 - 25%
- $30,000 to $39,999 - 6%
- $40,000 to $49,999 - 6%
- $50,000 to $59,999 - 6%
- $60,000 to $69,999 - 6%
- $70,000 to $79,999 - 5%
- $80,000 to $89,999 - 5%
- $90,000 to $99,999 - 4%
- $100,000 to $124,999 - 8%
- $125,000 to $149,999 - 6%
- $150,000 to $199,999 - 6%
- $200,000 and over - 7%
Most Common Occupations (Top 3)
- Business, finance and administration occupations - 23%
- Sales and service occupations - 19%
- Natural and applied sciences and related occupations - 15%
Most Common Industries (Top 3)
- Professional, scientific and technical services - 17%
- Finance and insurance - 14%
- Health care and social assistance - 9%
- Employed - 55% of people over age 15 are employed
- Unemployed - 5% are unemployed
- Not in the labour force - 38% are retired, students, homemakers, etc.
Willowdale East Homes
In this neighbourhood, there are mostly condos and apartments. Willowdale East has a dynamic population, with 58% of households having moved within the past 5 years and 25% having moved within the past year. It has a mix of older and newer homes and is mostly owner-occupied.
Home Types
- Single-detached house - 15%
- Semi-detached house - 0%
- Duplex - 1%
- Row house - 3%
- Low-rise apartment/condo - 7%
- High-rise apartment/condo - 72%
Condominium Status
- Condominium - 73%
- Not condominium - 26%
Number of Bedrooms in Homes
- 1 bedroom - 34%
- 2 bedrooms - 39%
- 3 bedrooms - 13%
- No bedrooms - 0%
- 4 or more bedrooms - 11%
Period of Home Construction
- 1961 to 1980 - 9%
- 1981 to 1990 - 8%
- 1991 to 2000 - 17%
- 2001 to 2005 - 26%
- 2006 to 2010 - 17%
- 2011 to 2016 - 14%
- 1960 or before - 6%
Renters & Owners
- Owner - 61%
- Renter - 38%