Milliken Mills High School serves a diverse community and offers programming opportunities to meet the needs and aspirations of all of our students. Milliken Mills High School has an enrolment of over 1100 students and more than 75 teachers and support staff who are committed to supporting students in their learning. Milliken is a semestered school offering students up to eight courses a year with classes at the academic, applied, locally developed, university, college and workplace levels. In addition, the school offers two Specialist High Skills Major Programs in the areas of Business and Environment. Courses are also offered in other specialty areas including dance, photography, music, drama, community based education and alternative education.
Our English Language Learner program supports 35% of our students with the Special Education Department providing additional guidance to over 200 students.
Our School
Markham's early years (1794-1830) were characterized by the rigors of homesteading and the development of agricultural industries. The township's many rivers and streams soon supported water-powered saws, grists and woollen mills. Small hamlets such as German Mills, Almira, Buttonville, Cedar Grove and Unionville began to spring up at the mill sites. The community of Milliken Corners was one such hamlet, named after three early pioneers John, James and Norman Milliken. Milliken Mills High School (M.M.H.S.) was named to recognize the history of our local community.
Our Community
Milliken Mills is a fast growing area, which continues to attract new immigrants. Therefore, our school serves a unique community of different linguistic and cultural backgrounds.
The School Environment
Milliken Mills High School is a culturally diverse community. The harmonious relations among the various ethnic groups are reflected inside the school where students and staff work together cooperatively. We enjoy racial harmony because members of our school community are accepting of each other, and sensitive to each other's needs.
The multi-ethnic composition of our school includes over thirty cultural groups. English, Cantonese, Tamil, Urdu and Mandarin are the top five languages represented.
Milliken Mills is a safe school. Staff members are visible in the hallways and volunteer willingly to supervise events. The administration is also highly visible and can be found regularly "walking about" throughout the day. A safe and supportive learning environment has been created by our dedicated staff members – library assistants, the office supervisor and her staff, caretaking staff, teaching aides, teachers, and administrators. Students are aware of the expected behaviour, as outlined in the school code of behaviour, and thus, have a clear understanding of their rights and responsibilities as members of our school community.
Our school motto, "Tomorrow Today," reflects the school's success in consistently modelling positive ethno-cultural relations.
Milliken Mills H.S. was officially opened in 1988. An addition to the original building was opened in 2002. This addition provided us with 12 additional classrooms, teacher workrooms and seminar space.
School Facilities include:
- Alternative Education office
- Baseball Diamond
- Cafetorium
- Classrooms
- Communication
- Technological lab
- Community Based Education office
- Construction lab
- Design & Technological lab
- Drama stage
- Family Studies lab
- Food lab
- Guidance Office
- Gymnasiums (large and small)
- Music rooms
- Outdoor Courts
- Outdoor Fields
- Outdoor Track
- Resource Center
- Science labs
- Staff room
- Student Council office
- Student parking facilities
- Visual Arts labs
- Washrooms and shower facilities
- Weight room
- Computer Labs
- WiFi Throughout building