ÉÉ Dyane-Adam

500 Cedar Hedge Rd, Milton, ON L9T 6J4

  • SCHOOL LEVEL: Kindergarten and Elementary
About ÉÉ Dyane-Adam

Nommée en l’honneur de la première femme commissaire canadienne aux langues officielles, la nouvelle école élémentaire Dyane-Adam de Milton saura insuffler aux élèves le goût de réussir en français et les engager à viser toujours plus haut.

ÉÉ Dyane-Adam is located in Clarke

The Clarke neighbourhood in northeast Milton started building in 2003, as one of the first developments of what is known as "new Milton," and construction is ongoing. The neighbourhood was named after Samuel Clarke, a long time agriculturist and municipal politician. A residential neighbourhood, it features many parks, trails, and green spaces. Housing is largely two-storey single-detached homes as well as row housing and townhomes.

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