Our Mission Statement is, “The St. Dominic Catholic School in partnership with Family, Community and Church is dedicated to discovering truth through lifelong learning and faith development.” Our Motto is, “Learning, Serving and Praying Together”.
St. Dominic has an extremely active and tireless Peace and Justice Committee comprised of grade seven and eight students putting their Faith in Action. The Peace and Justice Committee epitomizes youth in action today. They endeavour to raise funds and awareness for important local and global initiatives. Local causes include food drives, children’s gifts, and hats/mittens for the Good Shepherd and support for the Kerr Street Mission. Global causes include Free the Children and water initiatives, often supported through exciting Spirit Days bringing our school community together. The Peace and Justice Committee gives students an opportunity to voice their ideas, take action and be the change they wish to see in the world.
The Bronte Veterans Garden was conceived and fundraised in liason with the Town of Oakville and our generous school and corporate community. The garden is located on Bronte Road – Halton Region’s Veterans Highway. This initiative grew from our school’s outreach to the families of our fallen soldiers in Afghanistan.
Curriculum Focus
Each year, our staff review EQAO and a variety of other school/classroom data to create our School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement and Well Being. With assistance from our Consultant, Itinerant Literacy/Numeracy Teacher and our Itinerant Special Education Resource Teacher we set goals and continuously monitor our progress.
All About Me Goal Setting
Goal Setting is important because it gives student focus, allows them to measure progress, and provides them with motivation to succeed. That being said, goal setting can be difficult, if you don’t have a framework to follow. All About Me has a goal setting tool built right into the K-6 portfolio, where students can set goals related to learning skills, academics, or their community.
myBlueprint’s IPP Goal Setting
Goal Setting is important because it gives students focus, allows them to measure progress, and provides them with motivation to succeed. That being said, goal setting can be difficult, particularly if there’s no framework to follow. In myBlueprint, students can review a Goal Setting Guide which includes helpful tips and reflection questions for successful goal setting, can easily set goals using the S.M.A.R.T goals framework, and use the Need Ideas? Link to get goal setting ideas.
Parent Community Involvement
The parent community is extremely involved in all aspects of school life. Our Catholic School Council representatives serve on a wide variety of committees. Parent Council is actively involved in Fundraising by organizing our annual Dance-a-Thon event.
Cross Country
Intramurals at lunch recess
PJs (Peace and Justice)
Green Team Warriors
Various lunchtime clubs including: Lego Club, Games Club, Colouring Club and Robotics Club