Rosemary Brown PS

270 Williamson Dr W, Ajax, ON L4P 3E9

  • SCHOOL LEVEL: Kindergarten, Elementary, and Middle
About Rosemary Brown PS

Rosemary Brown P.S. serves a population of approximately 240 students in grades K-8 in Ajax, Ontario. The Rosemary Brown Public School community is a safe and caring one with a focus on academics, safety and character education. The school team works collaboratively to emphasize success for each student.

Rosemary Brown PS is located in Northwest Ajax

Northwest Ajax contains several communities. South Greenwood is in the greenbelt area and has a few large residential properties and some businesses. Duffins Crossing is an area of growth and will contain significant developments in the future. The area includes a large memorial gardens and parklands. Meadow Ridge is a culturally diverse neighbourhood that experienced major growth in the mid-2000s. Largely residential, the area also features some commercial developments, as well as parklands and areas for future development. Nottingham is a newer neighbourhood, much of its growth from the mid-2000s, and most homes are detached.

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