Indian Road Crescent Public School is located in "North High Park", the Junction Area of Toronto, east of Annette and Keele Streets. Indian Road Crescent P.S. serves students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6. The school population is approximately 340 students. Our population is quite diverse; over one third of our students speak languages other than English. The Parenting and Family Literacy Centre located in the school offers parenting courses and literacy support for parents. The Parenting and Family Literacy Centre at Indian Road Crescent is the most used Centre across the TDSB. The YMCA Before and After School Childcare Program is available for school-age children.
Indian Road Crescent P.S. Is A Future Aces School
Future Aces was created by Herb Carnegie, who set up the Herbert H. Carnegie Future Aces Foundation. It has two mandates: To inspire and assist youth and adults to become the best they can be; and to work with schools, community organizations and corporations to reinforce and enhance character-building initiatives that promote harmony and as a result deter bullying, violence, racism and religious intolerance. We have daily announcements where students are reminded of the month's TDSB character traits and Future Aces Creed. We celebrate our students and their accomplishments each month at our spirit day assembly.
Interesting Feature
School's Greening Committee Has Made A Difference
Within the School Parent Council, the Greening Committee, have worked hard to make our schoolyard greener. Through fundraising and grant applications, the committee has raised thousands of dollars and this money has been spent on adding new trees, a school field, and adding porous pavement and environmentally-friendly structures for students to play on.
More Information about Indian Road Crescent Junior Public School
Parent And Family Literacy Centre
At Indian Road Crescent P.S. we have a very active Parenting and Family Literacy Centre. Parents/caregivers and children from babies to 6 years learn and play together in their local school. The Centre has helpful information about community resources, such as housing, health, dental, legal and employment services, plus libraries and more.
The Arts At Indian Road
To enrich our student's lives with the Arts, we have an extensive Kindergarten to Grade Six music program. We are fortunate to have artists come and work with our students. Our Arts Committee provides many opportunities : Artsfest, Artists in the classroom, Orff instruments, Dance artists, as well as experiencing Arts performances in and out of the school.
Sports At Indian Road
Our students are actively involved in a variety of sports events. The Fall's Cross Country meet has over 90 students attending and the IRC Annual Walk/Run raises funds to support the Terry Fox Foundation. Junior students can play on the IRC Hockey team or join the school volleyball and basketball teams. In the spring, many participate in the Board's Track and Field meet.
Itinerant Music
At Indian Road, we are fortunate to have Itinerant Music Teachers who come into our school twice a week to offer instruction to selected grade five and six students in either band or strings each school year.
Student Life - Where You Belong
At Indian Road Crescent Public School, students are involved in many extracurricular activities. All students can participate in the Fall Cross Country meet and noon-hour house leagues. We also have a slo-pitch team, volleyball team, track and field team, soccer team, basketball team, and hockey team. To support our greening efforts, students are encouraged to take on initiatives to promote recycling and to educate other students about the environment.
What Sets Us Apart
Indian Road Crescent Public School is a small school with an involved parent community. It is seen as the "community school", where the majority of students live in the neighbourhood. Thanks to the support of the School Parent Council, we have been able to bring in the Scientists In The School programme and have monthly pizza days, a Fall Barbecue and Spring Fun Fair. The Council has been instrumental in making our school yard "greener" and environmentally-friendly. We have visiting musicians and performers who come to our school for special assemblies.
Parent and Community Engagement
At Indian Road, we have: public library class visits (Kindergarten - Grade 6); parents who host an annual community barbecue, an annual fun fair, and pizza days; a school community liaison officer who delivers Street proofing; Anti-bullying programs; celebrations of our cultural diversity; Student teacher candidates from York University/OISE/ Niagara complete their teaching placements with Indian Road teacher associates, co-op students from Humberside and UFA working in our classrooms; parent volunteers assisting in classroom activities, fundraising, field trips and reading to children; our Parenting Centre which has courses in parenting children; parents who organize the annual Fun Fair, magazine drive, pizza lunches and Arts initiatives.