Be Kind, Be Honest, and Work Hard
Fern Avenue School is located east of Roncesvalles Avenue, on Fern Avenue, north of Queen St.and south of High Park Blvd. The school was built in 1894, celebrated its centennial in 1994 and a two-storey primary wing was added to the three-storey old central building in 1954. The school serves about 700 students. The majority of the students are from English-speaking backgrounds. Approximately one-third of the students represent about 20 cultural and language groups. Fern is a composite school offering programs from Full Day Kindergarten to Grade 8 in English, Full Day Kindergarten (SK) to Grade 8 in French Immersion, and a Grade 4 to 8 Extended French program.
French Programs
In September 2004 we added our first Extended French class with the entry point at Grade 4. Our program includes classes now for Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. In September 2008 we began a Senior Kindergarten French Immersion program. It is now a Full Day Kindergarten program.
TDSB Eco-School Platinum Level
Fern Avenue is a proud Eco-School. The program has been at Fern for 4 years and has either been at the Gold or Platinum status. Students involved in the program have learned the responsibility of making our school a ‘greener’ place. They have lead discussions at Eco-Forums, participated in Audit Wastes, composting practices, and recycling initiatives.
More Information about Fern Avenue Junior and Senior Public School
Fern is a sports-minded school that offers something for everyone. Fern has been able to run a number of sports teams which include: cross-county, baseball, basketball, badminton, co-ed hockey, volley-ball, track and field and swim team. In addition to these team sports, intra-murals are organized and played within the school for our Junior and Senior grades.
Ferncliff Daycare
Within the school, Ferncliff Daycare operates from 7:30am until 6pm. The Director Supervisor is Karen Arnold. She and her staff are situated on the first floor of the school. They run two pre-school programs, two kindergarten programs and three school-aged group programs. Additional information can be obtained from their main office at 416-588-1463.
Fern Avenue has a Hot Lunch Program. We offer a hot lunch at a cost per student. Our in-house cook prepares delicious, nutritious meals. Students who do not buy into the lunch program also have access to the lunchroom. All students eat together.
Student Life - Where You Belong
Our leadership and character development programs for students include a social justice focus and community service vision. Students are involved with organizations such as Free the Children. Whole-school involvement occurs with special event focuses like Jump Rope for Heart, Food Drives, the annual Dance-A-Thon and bullying prevention presentations. Throughout the year students can choose and become involved with activities such as the Senior Student Council, Eco Club, Reading Clubs, Chess Club, Yearbook Club, Sports Teams, Intramural sports, and visiting artists/scientists. Each year brings new possibilities for our students.
What Sets Us Apart
At Fern Avenue, the administration and staff work in collaboration to provide an environment that is safe, nurturing, positive, and respectful. Fern emphasizes the arts, and extra-curricular activities especially sports and clubs, scaffolding the academic and social development of all students. Spirit Days and extra-curricular activities enhance the sense of community through the work of our Student Council. As well, Fern has proudly focused on leadership opportunities for its senior division throughout the year and successful relationship and team building through an outdoor education centre experience. A year-end trip for our Grade 8 students is planned for Montreal in June. There is an emphasis on the Arts through workshops with visiting artists. In collaboration with our parent council, Fern's students will have multiple opportunities to work with musicians, local visual and multi- media artists, and visiting scientists. We are fortunate to be working with many of our own parents who devote their time and skills to enhancing art programs throughout our school.
Parent and Community Engagement
Fern Avenue strives to engage and work with our parents and broader community in many ways - Public Library class visits, hosting student-teachers from Faculties of Education; community volunteer opportunities; collaboration with community/social agencies, e.g., the local police and fire departments, the on-site Daycare, local Shelters, local merchants, Toronto Public Health; St. Vincent de Paul Separate School, the Roncesvalles-MacDonnell Residents' Association; the Fern Avenue Parent Council, regular parent volunteers who assist in classrooms, transition meetings, Caring and Safe School initiatives, fundraising events like the Fun Fair and the Spring Fling, programs through the Parent and Family Literacy Centre, and food drives.