Norseman Junior Middle School, located in the west end of the city, proudly opened its doors to students from Kindergarten to Grade 6 in January 1953. From 1968 to 1981, it became the middle school for the area for Grades 6, 7 and 8. Since 1981, Norseman has served students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8. We believe that everyone has a responsibility to maintain a safe school environment. We encourage students to take an active role in problem solving through a positive and co-operative attitude. Respect and understanding for ourselves and others builds the foundation for self-worth and self-discipline. We value the unique contributions of all members of our school community and are dedicated to building positive relationships.
Norseman JMS is a Community School
Adjoining the school building is a Community School facility, which includes a swimming pool and offices, operated by Toronto Parks and Recreation. Various programs are offered with evening and weekend activities for the community.
Interesting Feature
Norseman Students are Lifelong Learners
At Norseman Junior Middle School, we are dedicated to achievement, participation and effort. Each of our students is encouraged to attain their full potential and to develop a commitment to lifelong learning and social responsibility. We deliver challenging academic and co-curricular programs in a caring, safe and respectful learning environment, based on strong partnerships with family and the community.
More Information about Norseman Junior Middle School
Leadership Opportunities
Norseman JMS provides students with many opportunities for leadership. Members of our Student Parliament, Character Education/Equity/Safe Schools committee, and Environmental awareness groups work hard to promote equity, a safe and caring environment and global awareness.
Students participate in a variety of activities promoting health, fitness and co-operation. We offer athletic opportunities including competitive teams (Cross Country, Softball, Volleyball, Ultimate Frisbee, Basketball, Track and Field) and intramural clubs (Yoga, skipping, Ultimate Frisbee). Jump Rope for Heart supports our heart health focus.
Music/The Arts
Norseman JMS students participate in many activities that support and nurture the Arts. From the grade 6-8 Band and Strings program to Visual Arts opportunities, students are encouraged to stretch their creativity. Drama productions and musical presentations take place each school year.
The students and staff at Norseman are beginning to focus on technology to enhance and access the curriculum in different ways. Digital cameras, data projectors, laptops, interactive SMART Boards, tablets, and desktop computers are all used to support delivery of the curriculum and students' learning.
Student Life - Where You Belong
Along with our commitment to strong academic programming, Norseman JMS offers students many different opportunities to participate in a variety of extra-curricular activities, clubs and events. Students learn empathy and caring for those less fortunate through student-run initiatives that support children's charities and world relief efforts. Students take an active role in promoting global awareness and taking local action. Through sports and recreational activities, students further enhance and refine their leadership skills and increase their confidence and self-esteem. Norseman JMS is focused on providing programs that allow students to develop their creativity and individual strengths, in keeping with their own specific learning needs and abilities. Equitable learning opportunities are provided for all our students in a safe, productive and positive environment.
What Sets Us Apart
High expectations are set for all Norseman students. Not only are these expectations for academics, but for all areas of school life. Norseman students are invited to explore the world around them, to learn to collaborate in groups, to effectively solve problems, to take on leadership roles and to respectfully resolve conflicts. We provide the students with the necessary support and strategies to be successful in these areas. We recognize and value the unique contributions of all members of our school community and are dedicated to building positive relationships.
Parent and Community Engagement
- Visiting artists and Scientists in the school
- Eco-school Gold status
- Secondary School Co-operative Students
- Parks and Recreation programs
- International Languages programs
- Before and After School Program through YMCA
- Before and After School Literacy and Numeracy Programs
- Queen's University Teacher Candidate Program
- School Council with more than 20 active members
- Grade Parent and Volunteer program
- Participation in school committees
- Programs and workshops for parents, sponsored by School Council
- Special Events (Pizza Lunches, Cookie Days, Fall Fair, Staff Appreciation Lunch, Spring Dance) by School Council and parents
- Volunteers for extra-curricular clubs
- Support for special events and programs