Our School
O.M. MacKillop P.S. is named after the late Oliver M. MacKillop, a former Public School Inspector for the northern part of York County, who resided in Richmond Hill. Mr. MacKillop was a great student of English literature. He loved children and it was his desire that the teachers should inspire in their pupils a love of learning. During his many years of service Mr. MacKillop made an outstanding contribution to both elementary and secondary education in the province. Our school insignia is the mustang. In 2005 O.M. MacKillop celebrated its 50th anniversary.
O.M. MacKillop P.S. was officially opened in 1955. A new library was placed on the original school in 1989. Over the years, classrooms have been converted in an attempt to accommodate the increase in population and the advancement of school program. At various times, a maximum of eight portables have been utilized. Full Day Kindergarten classrooms were constructed in 2011.
MacKillop P.S. is located on a long, narrow six acre site bound by housing on the north and south sides of the property and with a park at the west end. In partnership with the Town of Richmond Hill, a small adventure playground was constructed at the front, south side of the school, for student/community use. Our proximity to the Mill Pond offers many unique opportunities for outdoor and environmental experiences.
The school has a bus loop. Large and small buses, as well as private vans use the bus loop before and after school. Parking space is limited. Parents and visitors are asked to use caution when entering the school lot at these times. Students are dismissed from their classes through doors at the sides and instructed to walk through the school yard to a safe exit facilitated by the teachers on bus duty or the crossing guards.
As with each school in the York Region District School Board, O.M. MacKillop P.S. supports student learning through the curriculum standards set out by the Ontario Ministry of Education and many other co-curricular activities. Our school:
- has identified increased numeracy achievement as a goal of our School Improvement Plan and is implementing a variety of strategies to support this goal.
- promotes Modern Learning, and with the support of school council we have increased our technology tools and teacher training to further the learning and engagement of our students.
- promotes a safe and supportive learning environment. This is done through the Board's Safe, Caring and Supportive Schools Policy and Procedures and the Character Education Initiatives. Our school’s “touchstone” gives focus for positive behavior and students are recognized monthly for demonstrating the attributes identified in our touchstone. Positive behavior is also acknowledged weekly as students have the opportunity to get “caught in the act” doing deeds that are respectful and responsible.
- provides Special Education Programs in accordance with board policy. We work on an integrated model based on inclusion whenever possible for students with special needs. We have a Reading Recovery program in place as an early intervention strategy for grade one students.
- enables English Language Learning students to have access to supports in their classroom.
- has a variety of partnerships to support learning. We are fortunate to have community volunteers who provide supplementary reading support for primary students.
- provides an opportunity for high school students to earn their community work hours while enhancing many of the programs at Mackillop P.S.
- hosts teacher, ECE and CYW candidates from various colleges and universities
- offers a healthy snack program supported by donations from area stores and community agencies.
- offers a variety of extra-curricular and co-curricular sports and arts programs each year including but not limited to volleyball, basketball, art club, choir, eco-club, healthy schools club, cross country and track and field.
- Our Student Voice is made up of a group of student leaders with staff advisers who meet regularly and plan activities for our students including bully prevention assemblies, fundraising and global issues awareness.