When you dream about your future home, what do you see?
Let HoodQ Match™ create personalized recommendations for you based on the home, neighbourhood and lifestyle you want.
Find your neighbourhood match
HoodQ Match™ takes just 60 seconds - and it's free.
Create your Wish List Our short Wish List asks you the most important questions
HoodQ Match™ Works Its Magic HoodQ Match™ gathers your answers and finds your best neighbourhood matches
Get Instant Recommendations Learn which neighbourhoods and homes match your Wish List and get specific insights for each.
Every home purchase starts with a wish. It all starts with you telling us your wishes for the kind of neighbourhood, lifestyle and home you want, such as:
  • The places you want to be close to. For instance, your work, your spouse's work, or any other important address
  • Schools, parks, recreation and sports facilities and homes
You simply answer 11 questions to create your Wish List. HoodQ Match™ then matches your wishes and recommends the best neighbourhoods for you.
Let's do this
Detailed recommendations you need to see to believe. No other tool in Canada does what HoodQ Match™ can do for you. What makes this tool unique are the specific recommendations and insights made just for you. You'll gain:
  • Neighbourhoods and features that match your specific wishes
  • Matching homes for sale in each recommended neighbourhood
  • And so much more
Discovering a match for a neighbourhood you've never considered is common. What a missed opportunity that would be! Get started