175 Mt Olive Dr, Etobicoke, ON M9V 2E3, Canada

  • SCHOOL LEVEL: Middle
About Smithfield Middle School

Smithfield Middle School is an inner-city school located in Rexdale, in the northwest corner of Toronto. Smithfield originated as a longhouse in 1845. It was upgraded to brick in 1874 and was officially opened in 1966. Currently we serve 650 learners who represent a very diverse and multi-ethnic population and speak approximately 30 different languages. We have a diverse, highly motivated and committed staff. Our inclusive curriculum reflects the diversity of our school community. Smithfield students take great pride in wearing their navy and white uniforms.

Smithfield Middle School is located in Mount Olive-Silverstone-Jamestown

Mount Olive-Silverstone-Jamestown is a culturally diverse neighbourhood in northwest Toronto. The residential areas are primarily made up of apartment buildings, detached homes and duplexes. The area is bordered to the east by the Humber River. Silverstone covers the area west of Martin Grove and north of Finch in Smithfield, part of the Rexdale neighbourhood in the northwestern area of Etobicoke.

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