Hawthorne II is unique. It is the only bilingual and the largest alternative elementary school within the TDSB. The original Hawthorne School was a private school located at Vaughan Road and Bathurst Street. Hawthorne II opened in September of 1977 with 30 students. The current enrollment is about 208 students. Most of the students are Canadian-born whose first Language is English. Children from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 receive daily instruction in French which consists of twenty minutes per day in JK and gradually increases with each grade to 150 minutes in grade 6. Parents and staff are committed to teaching French and ensuring that pupils realize that French is a living language.
We strive to create an inclusive environment where French is visible and celebrated with meaningful and authentic activities. In the early years and primary grades, French is used as the language of communication in many daily interactions and there are designated minutes for language instruction. Students in FDK receive 20-30 minutes of instructional time in French. In Grade 1-3, students receive 40-50 minutes/day. In Grades 4-6, we adhere to the TDSB Extended French guidelines of up to 150 minutes per day. In the French Extended program, French becomes the language of instruction for Social Studies and the Arts.
Interesting Feature
School Vision
Hawthorne II is a school where each person is accepted and valued for who they are and are inspired to learn the best way they can. The goal is to create a safe, positive educational experience with high expectations using a wealth of exciting personal, social and academic opportunities. All members of our school community are important members of our team and have a voice.
More Information about Hawthorne II Bilingual Alternative Junior School
Eco Schools
We are a certified Platinum Eco School. We integrate environment literacy across the curriculum. Our Big Idea focus for 2017-18 is Learning Through Nature/Apprendre à travers la nature. This focus is supported by our Enrichment programming.
Peaceful Schools
The Peaceful School initiative is focused on developing a co-operative anti-bullying environment. Activities and workshops are brought into the school to support this initiative.
Application for Hawthorne II Bilingual Alternative
Hawthorne is an Alternative School. Entry into Hawthorne is done through Optional Attendance. Interested parents should attend the information sessions.
Hawthorne II offers an enriched program with Art, Drama, Music and STEM performances, workshops and lessons throughout the year. The Enrichment committee (parents and teachers) assesses our Enrichment needs and brings artists and other resources to the classrooms using dedicated School Council funds.
Additional Features
- Early Reading Intervention Program
- Athletics
- ECO Team/Garden Club
- First Lego League Robotics Club
- Choir
- Band Instruction in Grades 4-6
- Running Club
- Drama/School Musical
Student Life - Where You Belong
Students are encouraged to take on a leadership role and get involved! A great emphasis is placed on personal and social responsibility. Students enjoy a variety of clubs and extra curricular activities which can vary from year to year based on student feedback.
What Sets Us Apart
French is taught starting in kindergarten with Extended French starting in grade 4. Our parents are involved in every aspect of school life and support our students and teachers on a daily basis. Each student at Hawthorne takes music. Beginning in Kindergarten, students learn music literacy through singing and music games. In the primary grades, students have the opportunity to incorporate Orff instruments (xylophones and un-pitched percussion instruments) and bucket drums into their music learning. They learn to read rhythms and pitches and are able to apply their reading skills to both instrumental and vocal music settings. All primary students participate in the primary choir. Students in the junior grades continue to work on their musical literacy skills while singing and while learning to play a band instrument (flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone or percussion). All junior students participate in the junior choir. Students in grades 3 to 6 also have the opportunity to learn the ukelele as a part of the music program.
Parent and Community Engagement
The Nook, Dovercourt Boys and Girls Club and St. Albans Boys and Girls Club all provide after school pickup for students. We have a very active School Council that meets with all interested parents on a monthly basis. - Each class has a volunteer School Council representative. - Parent volunteers assist in the classrooms and on field trips. - They organize special events such as fundraisers, visiting artists and performances. - Parents are very much involved in school improvement, development of school philosophy and enrichment activities for students. Parent run our weekly Pizza Lunches. Some of our parents assist with remedial programs for our students.