Runnymede Jr. & Sr. Public School is located in Bloor West Village, north of Bloor Street, west of High Park. The school was first founded in 1913 as a one-room schoolhouse and presently approximately 1,100 students. Runnymede is a dual track school offering both regular English and French Immersion programs from Kindergarten to Grade 8 . We are known for academic excellence and rigour. In addition, we have a very strong Performing Arts programs including Band, Drama, and Strings.
Runnymede Public School
At Runnymede Public School we foster an environment of mutual respect and individual responsibility. Our Safe Schools Plan, Code of Conduct and Dress Code reflect our goal to achieve a learning environment that is safe, nurturing, positive and respectful. The expectations of the students at Runnymede Public School are:- Attend classes promptly and regularly, ready to work - Be courteous to and respectful of peers, staff, visitors - Be respectful of the property of others and of all school property- Maintain an appropriate standard of hygiene and dressFollow the TDSB Code of On-Line Conduct when using computers.
Interesting Feature
- Provide a safe & positive environment for all stake holders
- School-wide focus on Literacy with a focus on Inquiry Based Learning
- Continue to develop a strong Numeracy program with a school focus on differentiated Instruction in and Inquiry Based Problem Solving
- Use technology to deliver and enhance curriculum with a focus on Smartboard technology
- Promote a healthy active school environment through DPA and scheduled Physical Education classes
- Continue to foster community involvement through collaboration with parents
More Information about Runnymede Junior and Senior Public School
School Improvement Plan
Our plan is based on data provided by recent student assessments, report card and EQAO data, with a focus on priorities based on student needs. Overall, we are pleased with the growth reflected in our results. Our goal is to sustain and further improve our Gr. 3 EQAO results. Runnymede students in Grades 3 & 6 tend to achieve excellent results. Congratulations to all!
Regular Instructional Programs
· Languages - English, English as a Second Language, and French · Mathematics, Science and Technology · Arts - Music, Visual Arts, Drama and Dance · Social Studies, Health and Physical Education; in Grades 7-8: History and Geography, Media Literacy, Information Technology, and Guidance
Special Education Programs
A variety of special education programs and services are offered to meet the needs of students with exceptionalities, such as behavioural, communication, intellectual, physical and multiple learning disabilities. Students' exceptionalities are identified through a formal review process by an Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC).
French Programs
French Immersion begins in Sr. Kindergarten. Applications for early Immersion are completed online in February. All instruction is in French until Gr. 4 when 40 min. per day of English is introduced. By Gr. 6, 50% of instruction is in English. Core French begins in Gr. 4 and is mandatory until Gr. 9. Students in the English program receive 40 min. of French per day.
Additional Features
- Performing Arts - Drama and Music
- Band and Strings Programs
- Intramural & Extracurricular Teams
- Active School Council
- Visual Arts Specialist Teacher
- Extensive Athletic Program
- Extensive Community Involvement
- Active Student Parliament
Student Life - Where You Belong
The Runnymede staff offers students a variety of activities before and after school and over the lunch hour. School sports teams may include: touch football, track & field, soccer, basketball, volleyball, softball, hockey and cross-country running. The number and type of teams vary from year to year. House league teams intended to promote school spirit and socialization between students are also organized. Students may participate in the Peace Makers, Peer Mediation and P.A.L.S. Programs, Student Parliament, Primary, Junior or French Choirs, Drama Show Case, Monologue Evenings, Senior Orchestra, Senior Strings Orchestra as well as Brass, Strings or Woodwinds Ensembles. As well students are given the opportunity to participate in music competitions and festivals. The Senior Yearbook Committee compiles a record of major senior school events in the form of photos, reports and creative writing pieces. In September, Grades 7 & 8 students have the opportunity to run for the Student Parliament as Class Reps or in elected positions such as Prime Minister. Student Parliament organizes dances, spirit days and raise funds for various causes.
What Sets Us Apart
Students in the Primary and Junior Divisions are recognized with a certificate for academic achievement, community service, citizenship, and school participation. . The criteria for the recognition awards is based on the values outlined by the TDSB Character Education initiative.
Senior students are recognized for their academic achievement through the Honour Roll and Merit Roll. Criteria for the Honour Roll is an overall average of 80% and 75% for the Merit Roll.
Grades 5 - 6 students are trained to assist Grades 1 and 2 students in resolving their conflicts peacefully in the school yard. The supervising teachers are on duty to assist the Peacemakers and deal with any serious problems. AWARDS: Students have the opportunity to earn one of the following awards: The Jean Todd Award, The Marion Griffin Award,.Runnymede Awards, The Principal’s Award, Male and Female Athletes of the Year, Awards of Merit, Creative Writing Awards, Citizenship Awards and Academic Achievement Awards.
Parent and Community Engagement
Parents are regularly involved as volunteers who assist in classrooms, school office, library, fundraising, field trips and with our Safe Arrival Program. As well parents serve on various School and School Council committees such as Staffing, Safe and Caring Schools, Fundraising, Schoolyard/Environment and Ward 7 committees just to name a few. Our parents take an active interest and participate in Curriculum Night, Parent-Teacher Interviews and Parent Information Nights. Our concerts , Science Fairs, and Graduation Ceremonies are very well attended and supported through School Council fundraising. Runnymede P. S. collaborates and has formed partnerships with many community/social agencies, e.g., Toronto Public Libraries, Child Development Institute, C.A.S., Hincks, Integra, Big Brothers and Toronto Police Services.