Welcome to our small semestered alternative school located in the High Park area. We offer predominantly academic courses for students in grades 11 and 12. Classes are held daily with a timetable that students help to create. THESTUDENTSCHOOL (TSS) is for students whose needs are not met in mainstream secondary schools. We provide a warm, supportive atmosphere for you to complete your secondary school credits. Our 10 staff and 160 students are all on a first name basis.
You Speak - We Listen
We listen to what our students want and have subsequently expanded course content to encompass broader areas of interest. Social justice issues play an important role in most of our courses, including Gay & Lesbian Studies, Women's Studies, Afro-American History, Environmental Studies, and Food & Nutrition.
“A positive, friendly environment where one can apply experiences and real opinions to class discussions. Where creativity and thinking outside of the box is encouraged rather then hindered. There is more than one correct answer at TSS.” Kali Carter, Student
Interesting Feature
Student Democracy
The school has operated on democratic principles since its founding in 1979. Students have a say in their own education.The foundation of our democracy is the biweekly council meeting, chaired by students, where staff and students together make decisions on many issues concerning the school community. Each semester we ask students what courses ought to be offered; this is the basis on which we build a timetable. Often, students have input into course content as well.
More Information about THESTUDENTSCHOOL
The Art Program
The Art Program offers focus courses in Drawing, Painting, Crafts, Printmaking and Sculpture, in addition to Visual Art. Art students exercise lateral thinking while building diverse portfolios of varied media. Each year, the art program culminates in a public showing of student work at a downtown gallery.
School Life - Students make things happen
TSS was the first high school to join the boycott of Coke products in 2004. A student learnt of coke's practices in Columbia, and within the year, TSS held a conference to educate the community on the subject. There's something for everyone at TSS. Join one of our many student groups, from greening committee to the co-ed volleyball team. Or, initiate one of your own.
A Warm and Friendly Place
Who says we're good at listening? Our students do! According to the TDSB census of 2006, 98% of our students said we offer courses they wanted, 93% said our school is a friendly and welcoming place and 86% reported feeling supported and encouraged by their teachers. Each student has a staff mentor whom they can approach at any time. Our doors are always open.
We welcome registrations from May to September for the Fall Semester, and December to February for the Winter Semester. We accept students from across the city. We are located less than a 10 minute walk from the Runnymede Subway station. Call us about our courses for the upcoming semester. We can arrange a personal tour and answer all of your questions.
Additional Features
- EcoSchool Certified
- Fully Equiped Science Lab
- Breakfast and Lunch Program
- Best Graduation Event in Town!
- Credit Courses in Yoga
- School Volleyball Team
- Personal Staff Mentor
- School wide activities and trips
Student Life - Where You Belong
“At STUDENTSCHOOL the teachers genuinely care and try to do all they can to help you succeed. The atmosphere is one of quiet acceptance; it’s an unspoken pact that all are welcome and no one should feel otherwise. TSS is a family; we take care of each other, both teachers and students. I’ve been to three high schools and this is by far the BEST!” Kamini Murthy-Karteweg, Graduate 2010
“TSS is so different from most other schools; you hardly feel like you’re in high school. The academics are still there, but the atmosphere is so relaxed and friendly …. I would never have completed high school if I hadn’t come here.” Lauryn Burford, Graduate 2010
"At TSS I didn’t feel the need to conform, look and do the same as everyone else. I was able to be myself without feeling worried about being left out or being made fun of." Cecelia Calladine, Student
“My first two years of high school felt like five, but my year and a half at STUDENT has felt like six months! Time flies when you’re having fun and gaining knowledge and skills you will actually use in the future.” Sophie Feltes, Student
What Sets Us Apart
THE STUDENT SCHOOL fosters an appreciation for learning as a lifelong experience. Equally important is that our students develop a healthy awareness of self-worth as well as respect for the environment and humanity in all its diversity of gender, culture, religion, colour, age, appearance, ableness, and sexual orientation.
"A note of sincere thanks is extended to all at The Student School (TSS). The school environment was a terrific experience, where students were always treated with respect and supported at all times to achieve their fullest academic potential and learn to appreciate the efforts of others to open their eyes to our ever changing world. The girls have now both graduated, and will always carry wonderful memories of the loving and caring environment. So to anyone that has an opportunity to read this testimonial...there is no finer group of caring individuals that I have ever had the chance to know...on behalf of my children and my wife and I...a heartfelt thanks to everyone at TSS." Sincerely, Mike Bonamico Parent of two TSS Graduates
Parent and Community Engagement
The Shelter Committee
For over 20 years, we have supported shelters for women and children fleeing violence and for homeless teens. Students approach parents, friends and local merchants for donations and host a live auction each December. This year alone we raised $15,000 to purchase clothing, scarves, hats, toiletries and chocolates. We assembled and distributed 225 gift packages at Christmas time to seven shelters in Toronto. Our shelter committee's efforts have been reported in the Toronto Star and the local community newspaper.
"It was a thrill to have learnt more about you from an article in the local newspaper! We have been receiving gifts from you for years yet were enlightened to learn just how much effort goes into your massive efforts. Once again, we were overwhelmed with your generosity and impressed with your organization." Wendy Turner, Director of Evangeline Shelter