Emery EdVance Secondary School

3395 Weston Rd, North York, ON M9M 2V9, Canada

  • GRADES OFFERED: 9 - 12
About Emery EdVance Secondary School

If you are a student between the ages of 18 and 20 and would like to earn high school credits in an adult setting, Emery EdVance Secondary School may be the place for you. Courses are run in quadmesters lasting nine weeks. There is the potential to earn three credits in one quadmester, leading to University, College, apprenticeship, or the workplace. Students can choose to attend for as many quadmesters as they require. We also offer support to students as they combine work, school, and family commitments, including access to course materials online.

Emery EdVance Secondary School is located in Humbermede

Humbermede, also called Emery, is a suburban low-density neighbourhood primarily consisting of semi-detached homes. There are some high-rises on the southwest corner of Finch and Weston Road. The area is bordered by the Humber River to the south and west.

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