George Webster takes pride in the diversity of its population and the care and concern shown by its staff, parents and community. Since its opening in 1954, the school has experienced significant growth and change. Today George Webster is a vibrant school community committed to providing the best possible learning opportunities for all of its students. As a Model School for Inner Cities, George Webster is committed to student achievement as a means of empowering our students for success in school and in life.
A Commitment to Equity
George Webster's staff, students, and parents are committed to delivering curriculum through the lens of social justice. Teachers work together to create units of study that help students to see themselves as agents of change. With the help of the larger community, we ensure that our students are exposed to a variety of rich opportunities. We are interested in engaging our students in their learning, and providing them with a rigorous and relevant program, inside the classroom and beyond.
Interesting Feature
Everyone Learns at George Webster
As a Model School for Inner Cities, George Webster incorporates five priorities into all planning. We work together to ensure that teaching and learning are innovative. We see community partnerships as a priority, and strive to be the heart of our community. We house a variety of programs to support the physical, emotional, and social needs of our children. We monitor, research, and evaluate students and program. We are committed to sharing best practices in urban education.
More Information about George Webster Elementary School
Innovation in Teaching and Learning
George Webster's teachers and staff participate in a variety of professional development opportunities so that they can provide evidence-based, effective programs for our students. This year, we are focusing our learning on how to provide culturally relevant instruction and how to adapt our teaching to the various needs of our students.
School as the Heart of the Community
George Webster houses a number of programs for students, parents, and community members. We are open most evenings and weekends. Community groups use our space for recreational and educational activities. We provide extra-curricular programming for students and their parents.Our parenting centre is bursting with families of young children, eager to learn together.
Supporting Physical, Emotional, and Social Needs
George Webster works closely with parents and community partners to support the physical, emotional, and social needs of our students. Hearing and vision screening, nutrition programs, and children's mental health groups are all part of what we do to help our children to thrive.
Share Best Practices
George Webster is committed to working with other inner-city schools to share best practices. We host workshops for parents, staff members, and others where we learn together about how to serve our students most effectively.
Additional Features
- Daily Nutrition Programs
- The SNAP Program
- Multi-cultural Potlucks
- Extra-Curricular Activities
- Adult ESL classes
- Focus on World Music
- Intergenerational Programs
- The Paul D. Steinhauer Clinic
Student Life - Where You Belong
There are a plethora of activities available to students at George Webster: Bollywood Dancing, Choir, Sports Teams (Cross Country, Track and Field, Hockey, Cricket, Basketball), Reading Clubs, Interest Clubs (Math, Lego Robotics, Green Team), and extra-curricular programs, such as Floor Hockey, Martial Arts, and Indoor Soccer. Students also have opportunities to serve as leaders on our Student Council, as Peace Leaders, and as Play Leaders. Our students also participate in inter-generational programs such as Reading Buddies. Through our House System, we teach students about essential Character Traits and provide opportunities to shine.
What Sets Us Apart
As a Model School for Inner Cities, George Webster is interested in addressing the needs of the whole child and in engaging our whole community in this pursuit. Students at our school have access to vision and hearing screening, nutrition programs, enrichment programs, and a variety of supports. We work closely with our community partners to provide rich experiences for our students and families, both during the school day and beyond. George Webster is one of just a few schools in the Toronto District School Board to house a Paediatric Clinic which serves over 1000 students from our school and from neighbouring schools.
Parent and Community Engagement
We have partnerships with many community agencies:
- Toronto Public Library;
- Local Police Division;
- Aisling-Discoveries Child and Family Centre;
- Child Development Institute;
- Youth to Youth/Right to Play;
- Settlement Worker;
- Nursing students;
- Toronto Public Health;
- Ontario Early Years Centre;
- Harmony Hall;
- Access Alliance.
Our parents and community members are involved in many ways: Active School Council; Volunteers in classrooms, in nutrition programs, on school field trips, as Play Leaders, and as Parent Ambassadors; Fundraising; Adult ESL classes; Parent Education Sessions; Parenting Centre; Parent Resource Drop-In Centre; Multi-cultural Potlucks; Family Nights.