Garden Avenue Public School is situated between Parkside Drive and Roncesvalles Avenue, near St. Joseph's Health Centre. The school was founded in 1957. Garden Avenue P.S. was known as Argentina P.S. between 1961 and 1982. The school has an enrolment of approximately 275 students, a majority of whom have English as their First Language. Approximately 85% are born in Canada. Garden Avenue School offers Kindergarten to Grade 6 programs. The school shares space with Sunnyside Garden Daycare which serves children between two-and-a-half and 12 years old. This allows our students seamless transitions from daycare to school.
Unique Features:
Garden Avenue P.S. provides an intimate small school environment. The school is near High Park which provides opportunities for students to study in a natural area as part of environmental studies. Garden is a Gold level Eco school. Our Eco focus includes a variety of gardens including our Butterfly Garden and our new Library growing trays. Our dynamic music program includes a junior choir as well as strings. Garden Avenue is a TDSB Fit For Life school. Students are encouraged to walk or bike to school. Students participate in weekly Health Hustles and Walking Wednesdays.
The Garden Avenue Community
Garden Avenue Public School is committed to collaborative work among the school staff, students, and an active School Council, whose volunteers actively support the school . School Council champions the promotion of the arts and sports, fundraising and helping teachers in the classroom. Parent volunteers assist on field trips, and events such as, the fun fair and pizza lunches. School Council publishes the Garden Avenews. Student teachers, CYW and ECE students complete class placements.
More Information about Garden Avenue Junior Public School
Assessment and Evaluation
The primary purpose of student assessment is to improve learning.Assessment has the greatest potential to improve learning when it is an integral part of classroom activities. Teachers assess student progress towards achieving the expectations on an ongoing basis. Assessment information is used to make informed decisions for school improvement planning.
Support for students
Resource and Home School programs are offered to meet the Special Education needs of the students at Garden. Students' exceptionalities are identified through the formal review process called Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC).
Student Life - Where You Belong
Garden Avenue students are actively engaged both in their classrooms and in extra-curricular activities supported by their teachers and parent volunteers. A variety of opportunities to extend their learning occur through lunch time and after school activities which include Choirs, Track and Field, Cross Country, team sports and interest clubs.Field trips are also an integral part of learning at Garden Avenue. Students have had opportunities to visit the Science Centre, the Toronto Zoo and the Aerospace Museum. Local walking trips include visits to Roncesvalles Village, the High Park Library and High Park.
What Sets Us Apart
Garden Avenue is a small community school with a highly developed culture of caring. Students participate in an annual Terry Fox Walk. Parents volunteer time and effort to in order to enhance learning both in the classroom and on school trips. Fund raising also supports investments in technology such as the new Smart Board. In the past events have included "Laughter For the Arts", a craft fair, movie nights, a talent show and a school fun fair. Pot Luck suppers are held each term giving families an opportunity to meet and share a community meal together. We are initiating a Garden Avenue Variety show!
Parent and Community Engagement
At Garden there are regular Public Library class visits (K-6) scheduled at the High Park Library. The proximity to High Park affords an emphasis on the Environment and Conservancy. Safe Schools and public safety are supported by the Police youth services programs. Garden Avenue Public School remains committed to collaborative work among the school staff, students, and School Council. The School Council is very active in supporting sports and the arts within our school. It has helped fund visiting artists including the Dufflebag Theatre, Silver Birch author visits and Story Tellers for our "Story Telling " evening. Council has also supported ongoing playground development and Eco initiatives such as the planting of new shade trees.