Dixon Grove Junior Middle School is a K-8 school, located on the corner of Kipling Avenue and The Westway. While some of our students attend Dixon Grove starting in kindergarten, others come from Kingsview Village, Parkfield and Westway Junior Schools, joining us in Grade 6. There are approximately 690 students at Dixon Grove with 58 different home languages. Dixon Grove Junior Middle School has proudly served the community since 1960!
Proud of Dixon Grove...
- Caring and committed teachers
- Active and supportive parents
- Engaged and enthusiastic students
- Supportive community partnerships
- A winning combination in supporting student success!
At Dixon Grove we believe...
- every child learns best in a safe and caring environment; one that values respect, high academic achievement, diversity and teamwork
- in delivering a quality education; one that fosters each child's academic potential
- continuous improvement and positive communication are the shared responsibility of the school, home and community
- through healthy lifestyles, students are empowered to develop positive attitudes, build self-esteem and promote good character
More Information about Dixon Grove Junior Middle School
Addressing Student Needs...
To support learning we have four Home School Programs and two Resource Rooms. For English Language Learners we have ESL and 2 LEAP programs. We also offer a variety of programs such as: Beyond 3:30 and Monday night drop in sports program in partnership with the local police.
The Arts...
To nurture creativity we have Strings and Band Itinerant Programs, two Steel Pan groups, weaving, film making , an Anime club and the Imagine Club that produces our school magazine. At Dixon Grove we display student art work and showcase our musical talents at concerts and assemblies. Music and visual arts are instructed by specialist teachers.
Healthy Schools..........Healthy Students
Healthy lifestyles are promoted through daily physical activity; school and intermural teams; Health Fairs and fitness events (Terry Fox Run, ski days, Jump Rope For Heart). The Toronto Foundation for Student Success and community partners support our hot breakfast, morning snack and hot lunch programs as well as vision and hearing clinics.
To support families new to the country, our Settlement Worker and staff organize meetings about many topics including EQAO, Gr. 8 to 9 transition, Income Tax, fire safety and how to access community resources and agencies. The Settlement Worker, with staff/students facilitate the WIN and Newcomer programs, to help new families understand the Ontario educational system.
Additional Features
● Mobile Computing (iPads & laptops)
● Safety Patrollers
● Historica Fair/Gauss Math Event
● Student ECO Club
● Assistive Technology
● Guidance Counsellor
● Robotics (Lego EV3)
● Student Parliament
Student Life - Where You Belong
Students have many opportunities to actively participate in all aspects of school life! From sewing, baking, chess, safety patrollers, peer mediators, steel pan, singing, art and eco clubs, to basketball, badminton and cricket, all of which are making a difference in the lives of others -- our students take action! This year students have participated in Me to We, DeeGee Girls, Junior Achievement, Dare To Dream, Go Girls and Game On. Students hone their leadership skills through the leadership groups, a series of committees that focus on equity, school spirit, social justice and community partners, all led by our student Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Student Parliament. School life extends beyond the classroom including: Beyond 3:30: an after school program involving sports, crafts, tutoring and cooking; Elective Days; the grade 7 overnight stay at Albion Hills and the annual grade 8 graduation excursions. Creative kids work on the yearbook to help record all the exciting happenings here at school. In addition, a school magazine entitled Imagine, is published showcasing students' writing across the grades.
What Sets Us Apart
We are a school with heart! We value character development and the values it instills in our students -- we not only learn it, we live it! Based on the TDSB 10 Character Attributes we recognize the contributions of our Caring Canadians at monthly assemblies. The caring continues, as our students support and raise money for the Royal Canadian Legion, Terry Fox, Me to We, Sick Kids, the World Wildlife Fund as well as collect donations for local food banks. More recently, classes assembled 54 holiday gift boxes, and hats and mitts for needy local families at our local shelter. Annually we participate in Jump Rope (Grades 1-6) and Hoops For Heart (Grades 7-8).
Parent and Community Engagement
Learning is a partnership -- when we work together, students succeed! Our community partners include: Toronto Public Health, The George Hull Centre, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Toronto Police Services, Toronto Parks and Recreation, Toronto Public Health, Humber College and York University Nursing Faculties, OISE, Cobs Bakery, and the Toronto Real Estate Board. Our School Council is an active contributor to our school community. They support programs and organize events including Family Movie Nights and Parent "Coffee Talk" sessions and other parent workshops. Parents assist in all aspects of school life as volunteers for field trips, in the classroom, the nutrition program and organizing fundraising activities.