At Parkfield JS we believe that all students, parents, community and teachers can learn together. Parkfield Junior School is located in the west end of Toronto near the Westway and Martingrove. The school currently serves approximately 300 students from Kindergarten to Grade 5. Our Community Settlement Worker Bharti Lokre helps us plan meetings for our community in the school to meet the needs of our families. We have an EarlyOn Centre where parents may drop by Monday to Thursday from 8:40 to 1:45 with their child to engage in various activities with other families in our community. The school also offers International Languages classes through Continuing Education on Saturday throughout the year.
Supporting Our Parents
Parkfield JS have worked with our Settlement worker to provide meaningful workshops for parents during our meet and greet sessions. The workshops are based on feedback from our parents and have included workshops on financial literacy, dental hygiene, computer skills, Children's Aid Society and many more. Babysitting is provided.
Interesting Feature
Parkfield JS believes in supporting our neighbouring high schools and welcomes the opportunity to support the their Co-op program. Co-op students from Kipling and Martingrove CI works with our teachers during their placements. Parent and community volunteers in our classrooms make valuable contributions daily. We welcome Newcomers to our community who work with our Settlement worker on a weekly basis. Our partnership with Public Health has fostered learning sessions for parents during the day through our Meet and Greet sessions.
More Information about Parkfield Junior School
Co-op Students, Teacher Candidates, ECE Students
For the past 5 years Parkfield has proudly offered high school students, University Teacher Candidates and ECE students an opportunity to work and learn at our school. These students come from Kipling C.I., Martingrove C.I., York University, Lakehead University, Windsor University, OISE, Humber College and Guelph Humber College.
Roots of Empathy
The Roots of Empathy program matches a family with a newborn baby and a willing classroom of students together. The baby with the parent visits the classroom over a period of time to build a relationship of learning to care while working with the baby. Currently Parkfield is one of the schools in the TDSB with 2 programs currently running at the same time.
What’s a GLIMPSE? Turning to a dictionary, we know that a “glimpse” is a momentary or partial view. A “glimpse” is also defined as to see or perceive briefly or partially. What we will share here are “GLIMPSES” into the life of a child from that child’s perspective.
Student Life - Where You Belong
As a Junior School, Parkfield endeavours to provide extra curricular activities that enhance the learning each day. We offer sports teams for both boys and girls such as volleyball, basketball, soccer, badminton, floor hockey and cricket as well as cross county. We are fortunate to be able to offer both intramural sports and opportunities for our students to compete outside our school as well. Art and Recorder along with dance and drama, assemblies and concerts afford opportunities to develop confidence and social skills.
What Sets Us Apart
At Parkfield we strive to be welcoming and inclusive at all times. Our barrier free environment is filled with photographs of our current student population, and our community can be found every day in our foyer reading, talking or just relaxing indoors as they wait for dismissal. Our families with preschool age children are walking our hallways as they visit the Parenting and Family Literacy Centre and on Tuesdays they cook and together enjoy a hot lunch.
Parent and Community Engagement
We partner with Co-op students, KCC Bounce, Willowridge Child Care Centre, Settlement & Education Partnerships in Toronto (SEPT), - Public Health Nurse - Police Community officer - Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Toronto. Our Parents serve on School Council as members and on school committees: Safe and Caring Community, Budget, School Improvement Planning, and Equity. Plan to attend Literacy and Numeracy Nights, Remembrance Day Assembly, Parent-Teacher Interviews, a Kindergarten Welcome Night, Education Week activities,the Grade 5 Farewell ceremony, plays, Family Math Night, . Join us for :Terry Fox Walk, special School Council events such as Family Movie Night, Fun Fair, Outreach meetings, Meet and Greet and fundraisers. As a Priority School Initiative school we offer use of our school for events that are free.
Imagine a TDSB where all schools share a common core set of characteristics. They are community-driven and focused on teaching and learning. Students and parents have a wide variety of opportunities and there are enough students in every school to increase program choices.
Imagine there is a clear focus on achieving student success and every student is engaged, has a voice, access to a caring adult and the opportunity to develop their full potential. Here at the TDSB our focus is on student achievement, parent and community engagement and financial stability.