Ajax Schools
Northeast Ajax

In this School Guide, you'll find out more about the schools children in this neighbourhood can attend, including public, Catholic, and private schools.

Northeast Ajax is comprised of several smaller communities. The residential area of Audley North is a fast-growing, culturally diverse community made up mainly of families. The majority of homes are detached, and built in the early 2000s. Deer Creek has a residential area located on Buggey Lane and Bunhill Court, and there are some homes and businesses in other parts of the area, but the region is largely green space. The Salem Heights neighbourhood is in north central Ajax, in an area defined to the west and south by the Canadian Pacific Railway line. The area comprises newer residential developments, with commercial areas in the north, along Taunton Rd. To the east, Carruthers Creek forms the boundary between Salem Heights and Audley North.

Northeast Ajax Schools

Northeast Ajax has great elementary schools, great secondary schools, elementary special programs, and secondary special programs. There are 10 public schools, 5 Catholic schools, and 4 private schools serving Northeast Ajax. The special programs offered at local schools include French Immersion, Montessori, International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement, Christian, and Islamic.

Public Schools


Catholic Schools


Private Schools


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