Explore Newmarket Schools by Neighbourhood

Your top 10 results

There are 4 public schools and 6 Catholic schools serving this neighbourhood. The special programs offered at local schools include Advanced Place...

View Armitage Schools

There are 6 public schools and 5 Catholic schools serving this neighbourhood. The special programs offered at local schools include Advanced Place...

View Bristol-London Schools

There are 9 public schools and 7 Catholic schools serving this neighbourhood. The special programs offered at local schools include French Immersi...

View Central Newmarket Schools

There are 5 public schools and 4 Catholic schools serving this neighbourhood. The special programs offered at local schools include French Immersi...

View Glenway Estates Schools

There are 6 public schools, 6 Catholic schools...

View Gorham-College Manor Schools

There are 6 public schools and 4 Catholic schools serving Huron Heights-Leslie Valley. The special programs offered at local schools include Frenc...

View Huron Heights-Leslie Valley Schools

There are 8 public schools, 7 Catholic schools, 3 private schools...

View Newmarket Industrial Park Schools

There are 9 public schools, 5 Catholic schools...

View Stonehaven-Wyndham Schools

There are 7 public schools and 9 Catholic schools serving this neighbourhood. The special programs offered at local schools include Advanced Place...

View Summerhill Estates Schools

There are 6 public schools and 5 Catholic schools serving Woodland Hill. The special programs offered at local schools include Advanced Placement...

View Woodland Hill Schools