Islington Junior Middle School is a unique school which was established in 1832 and is the second oldest elementary school in Toronto. We are proud of our international character and the diversity of our students. Over 40 languages are spoken at Islington JMS. We strive to ensure that each learner has opportunities to develop as a positive, open-minded contributor to society in a welcoming environment with high expectations and academic excellence. We also provide opportunities for student leadership and service and work hard to promote equity, equality and understanding. At Islington we also combine our strong academic focus with an extensive extra-curricular program in music, drama, dance and sports.
Academic Excellence
At Islington , we continue to use the many exemplary practices and celebrate and share our success through our scheduled Common Planning Time for teachers and students. We will focus on the continuation and improvement of our Professional Learning Communities through a balanced literacy approach. Professional Learning Communities will focus on instructional growth using a school wide common 'Big Idea' of Environmental Awareness, Social Responsibility and Global Citizenship integrated into all subject areas through the use of the Teaching and Learning Critical Pathway.
Interesting Feature
Our Mission Statement
At Islington Junior Middle School, we believe that all students can learn and be successful. We are committed to creating a safe, positive, respectful and equitable learning environment which honours our unique diversity. We will provide a strong instructional program enabling all students to acquire the knowledge, skills and values needed to maximize their potential and to reach high levels of achievement.
More Information about Islington Junior Middle School
Character Education, Equity and the Environment
At Islington Junior Middle School, we have incorporated the TDSB Character Education Attributes, Environmental and Equity initiatives into our daily curricular program and leadership groups. The student run Environmental and Equity Ministries regularly present to our primary/junior and intermediate divisions at assemblies.
The Arts
Islington Junior Middle School transforms into many landscapes ranging from lush African Jungles to exotic Agrabah. Students present musicals such as Lion King, Aladdin and our 175th Anniversary Pageant. Students receive dance instruction from professional dance teachers and theatre companies. We direct the main cast actors and teach songs in preparation for the event.
Student Leadership
We are strongly committed to instilling high expectations for students both behaviourally and academically. Student Leadership is an integral part of our school climate. Members of our Student Parliament, Peer Mediators, Conflict Managers, All Rights Committee and Ambassadors work hard to promote equity, equality and understanding.
Sports Activities
Our students participate in a variety of activities which promote health, fitness and co-operation. At Islington, our Athletic Teams consist of Basketball, Volleyball, Cross Country Running, Track and Field, Soccer, Football and Cricket for both boys and girls. Students also participate in The MasterCard Centre for Hockey Excellence : Grade 5 Hockey Academy.
Additional Features
- Reading Recovery / All Star Reading
- ESL Classes
- Family Literacy/Math Nights
- Girls on the Run / Boys 2 Men
- Full Day Kindergarten
- Parenting & Family Literacy Program
- Young Authors Conference
- Boys' Literacy Initiatives
Student Life - Where You Belong
In addition to our strong academic program, our school offers students many opportunities to participate in a variety of extra curricular activities and clubs. Students learn empathy and caring for those less fortunate through student run fundraising initiatives that support children's charities and world relief efforts. Over the years, Islington JMS has helped build schools, provide fresh water, food and bed kits for children all over the world. We firmly believe that students rise to the high level of expectations put in place for them both behaviourally and academically. We also believe when given the opportunity, students become leaders and take an active role in developing positive attitudes and promoting an engaging school climate while at the same time supporting younger students. At Islington, students will have the opportunity to participate in numerous sporting and recreational activities that will further refine and develop leadership skills and enhance confidence and self esteem.
What Sets Us Apart
Islington Junior Middle School is an enriching , supportive and respectful environment comprised of diverse learners both adult and student who are committed to making a difference in the lives of each other. We have over 40 languages spoken in our school community and continue to embrace and celebrate cultural uniqueness. We continue to focus on purposeful teaching based on job embedded professional development for teachers and weave our environmental awareness initiatives in our daily school life. The arts remains a strong focus whereby students learn to develop appreciation through performance based participation.
Parent and Community Engagement
We are fortunate to have wonderful parental support and community involvement. Students benefit from our partnership with the Big Brothers organization. We share our school achievement success with our student teachers through our partnership with OISE, University of Toronto and Ryerson University. We continue to enjoy supportive parent participation in the Islington School Council. We have recently formed a partnership with the Mabelle Coalition which benefits both our local community and our students. A partnership with Toronto Police, The National Junior Golf Academy and Islington Golf and Country Club has been established that provides students with the opportunity to learn to golf . We are fortunate in the SW1 Family of Schools to skate and to be part of the Hockey Academy at the MasterCard Centre for Hockey Excellence.