How We Meet the Diverse Needs of Our Students
Children need a safe, secure environment in which to learn and develop. We strive for a very positive school culture in which students with differing strengths and needs feel comfortable. In our school, on a daily basis, the message of the Gospel is lived out by our Christian values.
We do this:
- By building our school life on Gospel values and Catholic doctrines
- Through example and the religion, family life and peace education programs
- Through a strong sacramental program and meaningful liturgical celebrations
- By providing opportunities for students to demonstrate leadership skills
- By providing opportunities for students in higher grades to work with younger students and their teachers, (shared reading programs, for example)
- By providing peer mediation, mediation forum and “bully-proofing” programs
- By backing our code of conduct with clearly defined consequences
- By encouraging students to develop strategies for problem-solving, taking responsibility for their own behaviour and by using confident students as role models in pro social skills groups
- Through media literacy and the involvement of public health, police and community service educators to develop in students the awareness of:
- The impact and influence exerted on them by others
- Responses based on Christian values and informed decision making
- By encouraging a response to the needs of others by making fund-raising, food drives and community service part of our school year
- By involving parents who, led by the parent teacher community: strongly support our efforts, provide initiatives and share a leadership role in the partnership of educating their children.
Our students bring individual abilities, needs, attitudes, interests and learning styles to the learning process. We provide for these by:
- Identifying individual student needs through classroom assessment
- Modifying existing programs to suit individual needs
- Bringing concerns for students' needs to our school-based support team
- Providing individualized programs to respond to student needs
- Identifying students as exceptional through the identification placement and review committee process and establishing special education programs and services for such students
- Formalizing a school plan for the incorporation of technological learning into our school curriculum to give opportunity to students to apply math and science principles to everyday activities
- Expanding our technology-based learning programs and building up our technology resources
- Continuing to extend our school computer literacy plan to take advantage of our existing computers and peripherals, expanded this year with computers acquired through parents in the community
A significant number of enrichment and extra-curricular activities are offered both inside and outside school. These programs include:
- A variety of school excursions and overnight trips
- Vocal and instrumental music concerts and festivals
- Musical and dramatic performances, both in school and in the community
- Academic tournaments and festivals which include chess and the spoken arts
- A very successful program of athletic events and tournaments which include soccer, volleyball, hockey, basketball, cross-country, track and field and softball.
David Comacchio