Valleyfield Junior School was granted its name because of our beautiful site; a combination of a large open field and a pleasant valley. The school opened in 1959. We currently have 30 teaching and support staff who are dedicated to challenging each individual student to achieve high levels of academic achievement and personal success. At Valleyfield Junior School, we create a safe, secure and welcoming environment in which our children will develop leadership skills and feel empowered to be active global junior citizens. Valleyfield hosts one of only two late French Immersion Programs within TDSB. It includes Gr. 4-6. Applications are made at the school.
Student Life
Valleyfield enriches the lives of our students with many opportunities to develop their social, emotional and physical well being. We take pride in providing a learning culture that is inclusive, safe and active. There are many student clubs, intramural sports, student teams and co-curricular programs to engage the children in areas of interest and strengths. We offer many opportunities to develop leadership skills in our junior age students.
Interesting Feature
Our Mission
To enable each of our students to reach high levels of achievement and to acquire the knowledge, skills and values they need to become responsible members of a democratic society. Valleyfield's motto is "Boldly Reach For the Stars!"
More Information about Valleyfield Junior School
School Council and Parent Involvement
Our school is supported by a dedicated school council and parent group. Parents and community volunteers regularly visit to enrich student life. Our students enjoy regular pizza and other fun lunches and our annual Dance-a-thon is a highlight all look forward to! We try to find opportunities for involvement of both stay at home parents as well as working parents.
We have placed a high emphasis on the integration of technology into the classroom programming. Our students are the first generation of digital natives and their present and future endeavors will require a command of technology. It is crucial that our students experience a seamless weaving of technology into their learning experiences.
STEM and Coding
Valleyfield integrates STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) into a hands on problem solving model delivered through science classes. We are building on early coding skills as early as grade one, with programs like Scratch, LightBot and through the use of Dash and Dot robots. Staff connect with home via teacher blogs, Remind app and email school newsletters.
Character Education
Character Counts! Teachers discuss Character Traits routinely. We promote good character through our "Get Caught with Character" board. Tickets are used at the monthly assemblies to win certificates and prizes. Student leaders act as "Gotcha Guys" in the playground by awarding stickers. Our Valleyfield Hall of Stars feature the photos of acknowledged students.
Student Life - Where You Belong
A strong school spirit permeates throughout Valleyfield Junior School. With a number of varied extra curricular activities including Sports teams, intramurals, Silver Birch and Blue Spruce Reading club, Book and Art club and school spirit days, students have opportunities to explore, develop and share their interests and talents. Part of being a good global citizen is recognizing our impact on our environment. Our Eco club has a raised staff and student awareness to a Gold level achievement. The leadership team of junior students assist with school operations as announcers, ambassadors, and kindergarten and office helpers. Assemblies and annual evening events and concerts provide opportunities for students to highlight and celebrate their achievements! Our community actively participates in our Math, STEM, Literacy and Zones of Regulation and Family Fitness nights. For fun we all enjoy our movie night, family skate nights and family game nights.
What Sets Us Apart
Students and staff are happy to be part of such a powerful culture of caring and concern for each other. Students, parents and staff all contribute to this positive school environment. We also believe all students should be provided the same opportunities in academics, social and leadership training within our school. Our focus is to provide students with the academic, social and individual skills to instill a strong sense of hope, self confidence and respect for self and others and to allow them to be successful both in and out of the school setting. We are proud to offer a New Comers Club. This club provides student mentors to new Canadian students to build language and friendship opportunities. We provide a nutrition program through the Toronto Foundation for Student Success. Its a morning meal prepared by our Snack Coordinator, consisting of three food groups delivered to classes each day. Our students school experience is also enriched by routinely hearing both French and English languages spoken in the halls, school yard and classrooms.
Parent and Community Engagement
Education is highly valued by our families. Parents support the school/home partnership by participating in our school events and council; volunteering their time in classes, as well as assisting with their children's learning at home. New families and the council are supported through the work of our Community Support Worker. Our special events could not happen without the devoted support of many parent volunteers.